NASM- Certified Personal Trainer
Performance Enhancement Specialist
Corrective Exercise Specialist
Senior Fitness Specialist Integrated Speed, Agility and Quickness Training
Cardio Respiratory Training for Sports Performance
Speed, Agility and Quickness Training
PhD – Education, Sports Administration
MA – Physical Education Administration
BA – Physical Education
After 25 years of working at the University of Florida Athletic Association (UAA), I decided to pursue my passion for fitness and wellness. Prior to my work at the UAA, I was a former NCAA Division 1 and 2 assistant basketball coach and college basketball player. I've actively practiced Kung Fu for the past 15 years.
Despite my background as a college basketball player and coach responsible for pre-season conditioning as well as my experience in athletics, I did not take my own health and fitness seriously until I received a wake–up call from my doctor during an annual physical exam. He asked me directly, “What are you trying to do, blow up?" My blood pressure was around 145/99 and my A1C was 6.2 which is in the pre-diabetic range (the onset of diabetes begins at 6.4). In addition he said, “If you don’t work out and change your diet, you will be a stroke risk, and you will get diabetes."
The choice was simple for me – I did not want to have a stroke or want diabetes. So I informed my administrative assistant to not schedule any lunch appointments for me and then I committed to working out 5-6 days a week during the lunch hour, utilizing an integrated training system. Other staff members starting noticing what I was doing and the next thing I know, I am leading other staff members through routines on a regular basis. In addition to working out at noon I began practicing Kung Fu two nights a week at the Gainesville Dojo. Eventually my blood pressure returned to a normal range and I have significantly lowered my A1C level. In addition I earned my Kung Fu name Te'ng (Cane the wood used to make weapons) just before my 50th birthday.
I utilize the National Academy of Sports Medicine's (NASM) integrative Optimal Performance Training (OPT) model which is researched based and scientifically proven to improve overall fitness, functional strength and neuromuscular efficiency. To enhance my knowledge and experience I have trained closely with Matt Delancey, Assistant Director of Strength and Conditioning, University of Florida Athletics, and Head Strength Coach for the 7 time national championship men's track team and 1 time national championship women's swimming team. Additionally, I incorporate techniques I have learned through martial arts experience into my training programs.
As a result of my training and experience, I'm prepared and committed to helping people improve their health, fitness and quality of life.
NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
BA - English
MS - Exercise and Sport Sciences
DA is a Gainesville native and played football, basketball and tennis at PK Yonge High School. DA received an football scholarship at Sacred Heat University in Connecticut where he played outside linebacker and defensive end. DA has a deep passion for physical fitness and is always looking for new and challenging ways train a person’s mind and body.
ACE Personal Trainer
ACE Group Fitness Instructor
BA in Computer Science Boston University
Naomi first called herself an athlete after around five decades of learning to operate her body. She had put on a lot of weight after becoming a mom and was so out of shape, getting up from the floor was a challenge, as was standing for more than a few minutes. Living in constant pain, brain fog, and with no energy had become too much, so she put in the work to transform her body and health.
She understands how challenging it can be to learn new concepts or to engage the right muscles after years of dysfunctional or insufficient movement.
NASM Certified Personal Trainer
BA in Computer Engineering University of Florida
Guro (5th Degree Black Belt) in Filipino Combat Systems Kali
Brice grew up competing in several sports: basketball, soccer, football, tennis, swimming, etc. but his primary focus was wrestling. After 10 years in competition, he moved away from athletics to focus on school. After 5 years of pretty low levels of physical activity, Brice’s fitness had declined. He’d put on about 60lbs of weight and was very deconditioned.
Realizing that he needed to get more active, he looked into sports like Boxing and Muay Thai that he had been introduced to towards the end of his wrestling career. He started training at the Gainesville Dojo in those sports. In 2002 it was suggested that he try a martial art from the Phillipines called Kali (also known as Arnis or Escrima) in order to help with some of his striking coordination. After trying out Kali and seeing the longevity of some of its practitioners, he decided to stick with that in lieu of combat sports. While training at the dojo, Brice met “Dr. C”. However, he didn’t know anything about his fitness work, they only met as martial artists.
Eventually, Dr. C opened up his services to instructors at the dojo. In 2018, Brice started training with Dr. C in a fitness capacity. Since leaving wrestling, Brice had stayed away from traditional fitness training because he only knew how to work out like an 18 year old varsity athlete. That was not sustainable in a 35 year old body. After starting to learn exercise methodology from Dr. C, Brice began to see how it could be applied to martial arts and general wellness.
Brice started doing his own studying from the perspective of both a martial artist and a fitness professional, and is continuing to grow his understanding of how the two fields complement each other.